The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an autonomous body that considers all research conducted at Aquinas College, or conducted by Aquinas College faculty, staff, and students.  Approval of the IRB is necessary before any data can be collected by the researcher(s).

Members of the Aquinas College IRB are appointed by the Provost following recommendation by Department Chairs.  Membership is for two years, with terms staggered.  Section 47.107 of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45, Part 46 delineates the requirements for IRB composition.  Consistent with those requirements, the Aquinas College IRB includes:

  • Two faculty members representing two separate departments within the Social Sciences.
  • One faculty member representing the Natural Sciences.
  • One faculty member representing the Arts and Humanities.
  • One community member not affiliated with Aquinas College and not part of the immediate family of a person affiliated with Aquinas College. This individual shall have expertise to adequately review research activities that come before the IRB.

In addition, the IRB must include both female and male members; a member with a vested interest in a proposed project is disqualified from participating in the decision; and the IRB may invite non-voting individuals with competence in special areas to advise the Board.

The Aquinas College IRB elects a Chair at the first meeting of each academic year. Unless otherwise arranged, the Chair is elected for a period of 12 months and must be an Aquinas College faculty member.

Because members with a vested interest in a specific research project are disqualified from participating in the IRB process, and the possibility that illness or another commitment may prohibit a member from attending an IRB meeting, Alternate IRB Members are appointed by the Provost to serve in those cases.  Alternates include one faculty member from the natural sciences, one faculty member from the social sciences, one faculty member from the humanities, and one community member with no relationship to the college.

Aquinas College Institutional Review Board members and alternates for 2022-2023 are: 

  • Dr. Molly Wilson (Social Science) - Chair
  • Dr. Satya Lendrum (Social Science) 
  • Dr. Shellie Rottschafer (Arts and Humanities)
  • Dr. Cedric Williams, Grand Rapids Community College (Community Member)
  • Dr. Damien Savino (Sustainability Science)
  • Dr. Ian Borton (Alternate)