2019 Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium
Department of Biology
Stephanie Clark and Alyssa Willson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rebecca Humphrey
Abiotic factors affecting the prevalence of Rosa multiflora (Rosaceae) populations
at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute (Hastings, Michigan, USA)
Rosa multiflora (multiflora rose) is a non-native shrub that has invaded many North
American natural areas, resulting in negative impacts on native flora and fauna. In
order to prevent further spread of R. multiflora, it is important to understand the
abiotic habitat associations that characterize R. multiflora prevalence. Here, we
examine how distance from the nearest trail, soil moisture, soil pH, relative sunlight
availability, and dominant overstory composition are associated with R. multiflora
presence and abundance at a preserve in southwest Michigan. We found that R. multiflora
presence is associated with high sunlight availability and Red Maple-dominated forests.
Additionally, R. multiflora abundance is associated with low soil moisture and Black
Oak-dominated forests. The purpose of this research was to inform land management
in determining the uninvaded forests that are most susceptible to R. multiflora invasion.
Based on our results, we recommend that land managers focus on areas of high light
availability (along forest edges and within open canopy areas) and low soil moisture
in an effort to curtail R. multiflora invasion.
Svetlana Djirackor
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Hess
The pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of select Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes
Congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMSs) are a heterogenous group of rare inherited
neuromuscular disorders which are a consequence of defects in genes encoding presynaptic,
synaptic and postsynaptic proteins expressed at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ).
Although more than 30 CMS causative genes have been identified, this study serves
to report on a few gene mutations that result in various phenotypic representations
of CMS. This study also reports therapeutic options for CMS patients with these gene
Gina Nowland
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Hess
Study of Natural Extracts and Soil Bacteria Inhibiting the Growth of Oral Bacteria
and Safe Relative Pathogens
Research was conducted on natural antimicrobial substances and previously isolated
soil bacteria to combat the rise of antibiotic resistance. Previous research on natural
antimicrobial substances indicated that allicin, a compound created from garlic when
it is crushed, and eugenol, a compound in clove essential oil, are highly effective
against bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans. An oral bacterium, S. mutans, is an
organism that contributes to the formation of plaque and tooth decay. The growth and
growth inhibition of S. mutans on mitis salivarius (MS) agar was studied under aerobic
and anaerobic conditions. After garlic and clove were shown to be highly effective
against these bacteria, a series of essential oils from other natural substances,
honey, thyme, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, and peppermint were studied in relation
to oral bacteria and the safe relative ESKAPE pathogens. Individual bacteria, isolated
from soil samples collected during September 2017, were characterized and tested against
ESKAPE pathogen safe relatives in the search for new antibiotics. These bacterial
isolates tested were previously found to be effective in inhibiting the growth of
the ESKAPE pathogens and therefore were chosen for further study.
Department of Chemistry
Avery Cheap
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tim Henshaw
The Enzymatic Kinetic Profile of Class D ÎČ-Lactamase Variants Against Several Antibiotics
OXA-207, a Class D beta-lactamase, is a variant of OXA-24 that has been recently categorized.
Beta-lactamases catalyze the hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotics, a broad class
of widely used antibiotics. By doing so, the beta-lactamase can confer antibiotic
resistance to the microbe that expresses it. OXA-207 differs from its parent enzyme
by just one amino acid. The primary aim for this studying is measuring the kinetics
using a bevy of different beta-lactam substrates.
Noah Gloe
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Jensen
Photodegradation of Isobutanol with Titanium Dioxide
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are of an increasing concern in the subject of drinking
water quality since, when consumed, they can have adverse health effects to humans:
liver damage, central nervous system damage, and can even cause cancer. Photocatalysis
has proven to be a successful remediation technique that uses a photocatalyst to break
down the VOCs into non-harmful by-products: COâ and HâO. I am looking at isobutanol
as a practical VOC example. Titanium dioxide (TiOâ) is the photocatalyst being used
because of its excellent photocatalytic ability. Calibration standards were prepared
at different concentrations of isobutanol (20ppm, 40ppm, 60ppm, 80ppm) with an internal
standard (ISTD) solvent composed of methanol and 1-pentanol. Reaction samples were
prepared with 10 uL isobutanol and 1g TiOâ in water. Reaction samples were exposed
to a UV light source for 24 hrs. Gas chromatography flame ionization detection (GC-FID)
was used to quantify the amount of isobutanol in the calibration samples and reaction
samples. I am proposing to determine a rate law for TiOâ in order to see the rate
at which isobutanol completely photodegrades. This has important applications in the
realm of water purification and water quality.
Kenny Nguyen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Fritz
Effects of varying dicarboxylic acid electronics on direct arylation yield
Biaryl compounds are highly sought after due to their wide applications in areas such
as pharmaceuticals and organic electronics. Due to their importance, it is vital to
develop methods to create carbon-carbon bonds between two aryl groups to make biaryls.
One method to create these types of bonds is direct arylation. Direct arylation is
generally seen as a greener method of creating carbon-carbon bonds due to the fact
that less toxic reagents are used when compared to some other methods, less waste
is generated and fewer synthetic steps are needed. One class of reagent that is used
in direct arylation is carboxylic acids. Carboxylic acids have been shown to increase
the yield of direct arylation. However, limited studies have focused on systematically
varying the carboxylic acids to see what effect it would have on the yield of this
type of reaction. In this research, seven different dicarboxylic acids, with pKa's
varying from around 1 to 5, are studied and their effect on the yield of the direct
arylation of pentafluorobenzene and 4-bromotoluene are analyzed.
Trisha Phillips
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Jensen
Switching Fluorescent Intensity of a Liquid Crystal Using Thermal Flow
Liquid crystals are often called the âfourth state of matterâ because they have properties
of both solids and liquids. One area that has not been explored is the use of thermal
flow (the movement of molecules as temperature changes) to adjust the fluorescent
intensity of a liquid crystal. This project attempts to synthesize a fluorescent liquid
crystal, polypropyleneimine-(C10)4, and to switch its fluorescent intensity using
thermal flow. A liquid crystal with switchable fluorescence could be used for chemical,
technological, and biomedical applications. PPI-(C10)4 is synthesized in three steps
beginning with an aza-Michael reaction, using ethylenediamine and acrylonitrile to
synthesize ethylenediaminetetrapropionitrile (EDTPN). Next, a nitrile reduction changes
the nitrile group on EDTPN to an amine, synthesizing PPI. Finally, PPI is reacted
with benzoic acid to synthesize PPI-(C10)4. To characterize the intermediates and
final products, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy are used. Thermal flow in PPI-(C10)4 can be observed using a polarizing
optical microscope (POM). The PPI-(C10)4 is then heated and the molecules move because
of thermal flow, which can be viewed through the POM. Fluorescent intensity is measured
using a fluorometer to determine whether or not thermal flow can change the intensity
of PPI-(C10)4âs fluorescence.
Department of Communication
Collin Brooks
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Penny Avery and Dr. David Weinandy
Group Membership Characteristics and Group Cohesion
The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between group
member characteristics and group cohesion.The focus was on the context of task-oriented
groups. An assessment of extant literature revealed that homogeneous groups are more
likely to engage in groupthink. However, the literature on the potential impact of
group diversification on groupthink and cohesion specifically within task-oriented
groups was less developed and emphatic, so this research was designed to help fill
the research gap by looking at this context of communication. The hypothesis was that,
within task-oriented groups, participants would report more groupthink and cohesion
when they perceived their group membership to be less diverse, with various categories
of diversity considered. Data were gathered using on-line, anonymous surveys.
Martina Devetak and Hannah Kidder
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Penny Avery and Dr. Dave Weinandy
Conflict in Romantic Relationships
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between
biological sex and the likelihood to adjust communication during conflict with heterosexual
romantic partners based upon perception of their partnersâ love languages (LL). The
hypothesis predicted that women would be more likely than men to adjust their communication
based on the perception of their partnersâ love languages. Because scholarly literature
is relatively lacking in this area, the study attempted to help fill the research
gap by providing more insight into possible sex differences during relational conflicts.
Research for this study was conducted through online, anonymous surveys.
Gates Domeier
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Penny Avery and Dr. Dave Weinandy
Self-disclosure and Perceived Social Support in the First-Year College Experience
This study examined the effect willingness to self-disclose may have on perceived
social support during the first-year college experience. Considering the alarming
and increasing rate of emotionally distressed college students, I am interested in
the perceptions of social support during the first year of college. College aged students
ages 18-24 were asked to complete a two-part survey; this included a measurement of
willingness to self-disclose and perceptions of social supporting during the first-year
of college. This online and anonymous survey was emailed to students, as well as posted
on Instagram. Ultimately, the findings may be able to tell us whether or not there
may be a relationship between willingness to disclose and perceived social support
during the first year of college.
Kelly Grant
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Penny Avery and Dr. Dave Weinandy
The Relationship Between Generalized Need for Closure and Value on Relational Dialectics
Peopleâs need for closure often effects how they respond to the world, and the relational
dialectic of certainty-uncertainty effects how people communicate in romantic relationships.
The purpose of this research was to determine a potential association between these
two variables. Specifically, the hypothesis was that the higher people scored on desiring
closure, the more they would value certainty in the certainty-uncertainty relational
dialectic in romantic relationships. Participants completed an online survey where
they evaluated their need for closure and their desire for certainty in their current
romantic relationship or a previous romantic relationship. Results were statistically
significant at a .01 level and supported the hypothesis, thereby adding to previous
literature and filling in the research gap. Additionally, post-hoc analysis revealed
that if participants were currently in a relationship (rather than describing a previous
relationship), they were more likely to value certainty over uncertainty in their
romantic relationship. By better understanding themselves and the equilibrium in romantic
relationships, people can identify incompatibilities and similarities in romantic
relationships and make a more educated decision on future actions for themselves or
future advice for their friends.
Zachary Isaacs
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Dave Weinandy and Dr. Penny Avery
Oral Communication Apprehension and Video Game Play
Oral communication apprehension is a widely researched area with communication, however,
little is known about its relationship with video game play. Oral communication apprehension
is an anxiety syndrome associated with either real or anticipated communication with
someone or a group of people (McCroskey, 1977). The hypothesis was that those that
play more video games online in which they must communicate with others would have
lower oral communication apprehension. Conversely, those who play more individual
games where there is no communication with others would have higher oral communication
apprehension. Data analysis has not yet been conducted so no conclusions have been
made. Data analysis will be conducted over the coming weeks.
Madeleine Lince
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ian Borton
Restorative Practitioners Interview Project
This project sought to conduct and analyze interviews with practitioners of restorative
justice, nationwide. Restorative justice (RJ) is the theory and practice of interested
stakeholders coming together in the wake of an offense to discuss the the implications
and responsibilities generated from that misbehavior. Eleven interviews were conducted
this summer, transcribed, and entered into data-analysis software for coding. Some
implications are presented in our report. However, since data continues to be gathered,
all such analyses are appropriately tentative.
Department of Education
Sarah Stayman
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stefani Boutelier
Stopping "Traffic" from the Inside Out: A Teacher Approach
This project aims to start critical conversations underlying the perpetuation of trafficking
and exploitation of our youth while curating curriculum to support secondary educators.
Many want their truth to include the denial of exploitation in our culture, however,
time and again we see this crossing socio-borders in our country. Through a critical
and social justice lens this study moves beyond educating first responders and involves
educators who are the grass-roots of sustaining security and identifying those at
risk. This research helps organize the needs of students and teachers to help gear
dialogue towards: no more demand, risk factors, understanding the role of technology
in modern trafficking, victim blaming, roles of âJohnsâ and pimps, trauma, and curriculum
then bringing it all into context.
Department of English

Alyssa Noch
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michelle DeRose
Where the Shoes Lead
The imagery of shoes used in Black and Green (African and Irish) literature are compared
and contrasted to one another along with the help of pop cultural references and historical
fact in my project. From this imagery, I have created two images with shoes as part
of the focus, mixing in the history of both African and Irish cultures with my own
American twist. My artist statements on these pieces go in depth as to why I chose
to portray the subjects of my pieces as I did, utilizing literature, music, religion,
history, and culture to explain my creations.
Department of Geography & Environmental Studies
Trista Boyd
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen
Effects of Weather on Predictability of Snowfall Density
Forecasting the amount of water in snow is difficult to determine due to limited knowledge
about the effects weather have on it. This research observed the snow water equivalent
of snowfall and its correlation to a number of different factors. Those factors included
temperature, dew point, wind direction, speed, and relative humidity. The collection
of samples took place between January 15th-March 8th in Grand Rapids. Data from the
NWS (National Weather Service) was obtained in order to record daily weather data
that was tested against the snow water equivalent (density). After statistical analysis
was complete each factor was tested against snow density and resulted in varying levels
of significance. By determining which weather factor has the highest level of significance
more accurate predictions can be made resulting in more precise snow removal operations,
snowmelt runoff forecasting, and snowdrift forecasting.
Clover Brown
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Richard McCluskey
Play Accessibility in Grand Rapids
Play is an important part of childhood development, and all children deserve the opportunity
to have access to free play experiences. This study looks at socioeconomic factors
as well as walking distances to Grand Rapids city parks to try to see areas in the
city of Grand Rapids where children do not have access to parks. It also compares
different socioeconomic factors and park locations to see if there is any difference
between those populations that have access to city parks and those that do not. I
hope that this research can be utilized by the Grand Rapids Childrenâs Museum in order
to know what areas of Grand Rapids they should be outreaching to so that all children
can have access to free play spaces.
Eric Cichon
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Rich McCluskey, Dr. Jim Rasmussen
Look Both Ways Before Being Hit: An Analysis of Eastown Area Commuters and Their Ability
to Stop at Intersections
Last year Grand Rapids adopted the Vision Zero policy that âaims to reduce traffic-related
fatalities and serious injuries by promoting safe driving behaviors and addressing
pedestriansâ vulnerability when crossing city streets.â This changed the driving laws
to state, âThe operator of a vehicle shall stop for a pedestrian within any marked,
or unmarked, crosswalk at an intersection.â The purpose of the study conducted was
to determine whether or not vehicles in the Eastown area were coming to a complete
stop prior to the marked crosswalks. The hypotheses of the study looked into whether
there was significance between: 1) stop signs versus stop lights, 2) obstructed versus
non-obstructed intersections, 3) on campus stop signs versus off campus stop signs,
4) and comparing where the vehicle came to a stop (prior to the crosswalk, in or past
the crosswalk, or not at all). The use of contingency tables and the Chi-square statistic
were implemented to test for significance. The study proved to be statistically significant
in all hypotheses and showed that intersections are more dangerous than we might have
Jared Edgerton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen
The Effects of Lake Ice on Beaches and Dunes
The overall purpose of this study was to determine how much the lake ice affected
the beach and the dunes. This study answers the question âDuring the winter, how much
erosion is caused by âice pushâ on the beaches of Van Buren State Park?â as well as
âHow far the ice creeped onto the beach and if it reached the dunes near the benchmarks.â
The last question being answered was âIs there dune erosion being caused by any ice
on the beach?â The basic design of the study was to go out every couple of days and
take measurements of the ice to determine how much it had moved in distance to the
benchmark. Some of the major findings from the study is that the ice doesnât move
as much as first thought. It only moves a few meters here and there and only with
major cool downs and warm ups. In terms of findings with dune erosion, It is very
apparent that foliage on the dune had direct impact on the level of erosion occurring.
Overall, this study will cover each part of the beach with a total analysis of the
effect ice has on the beach.
April Shirey
Faculty Advisors: Dr. James Rassmussen, Dr. Richard McCluskey, and Dr. Mary Clinthorne
Soil and Carbon Sequestration
What types of farming practices are better for soils in Michigan? Agriculture across
the United States is important, and one of our goals should be how to create and manage
healthy techniques that support the land and provide enough food for our growing population.
This project specifically looked at the carbon sequestered within the soil. This led
to asking, are farms within Michigan that practice sustainable agriculture techniques
holding more carbon in their soil than those that practice conventional agriculture
techniques? Twenty soil samples were taken, ten from sustainable farms and ten from
conventional farms. Locations were in Sparta, Caledonia, and Hickory Corners. Multiple
types of plots were assessed from different locations in these areas. Both a bulk
density test and a loss on ignition test were run followed by statistical analysis.
The bulk density tests showed that there is a difference between the density of conventional
and sustainable farming. The loss on ignition tests were able to show there is also
a difference in the carbon being held within soils on farms that practice different
techniques. In the end, mixed results were found to support the initial hypotheses
of soil organic carbon being higher on sustainable farming plots.
Ricky Stiles
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich McCluskey
Aquinasâ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This project was conducted to investigate the compost, recycling, and trash rates
of Aquinas College over the las three years. I analyzed the rates and how they changed
using a paired T-Test, Anova test, and a Two Proportions T-Test. In addition, key
members of the staff were interviewed and asked to interpret the results of these
tests and propose possible changes as a result of the findings. It was determined
that Aquinasâ compost, recycling and trash rates over the past three years. However,
when statistically analyzed they were determined to not be statistically significant.
Dana Van Huis
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rich McCluskey
Out of the Closet and into the Schools: An analysis of stated LGBTQIA+ policies in
Religious-affiliated Colleges and Universities in the United States
Historically, religious colleges and universities have not been accepting toward LGBTQIA+
students. This may be through an exclusion of LGBTQIA+ students through policy, or
simply through the refusal to support certain students through the inclusion of their
histories in curriculum, through the refusal to support their stories in college-approved
events and organizations, or through their refusal to allow them to live in housing
that may accurately represent who they are. This can result in an alienation that
is mentally and physically draining. In this study, 228 religious colleges and universities
within the United States were surveyed and ranked according to their policies surrounding
whether or not LGBTQIA+ students could be out on campus, their inclusive housing policies,
the availability of alliance groups, if the institution had Queer/Sexuality Theory
classes and a degree available for students to complete, if there is a womenâs studiesâ
center available on campus, and if that womenâs studies center is inclusive toward
LGBTQIA+ students. The results of this survey were then statistically analyzed in
order to determine if the average results changed according to region, denomination,
or on if the institution was in an urban or rural area.
Dana Van Huis
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen
Polluted Park Systems: Ground-Level Ozone in State and City Parks
Air pollution is a rarely discussed but very prevalent issue in many of the United
Stateâs National Parks, particularly in the form of ground-level ozone. This can be
attributed to the high level of car-driving visitors within the parks, urban pollution
which has made its way into the parks, and pollution from natural resource extraction
occurring near the parks. However, there has not been any research done on if ground
level ozone is an issue within smaller natural areas as well. Within this study, an
urban natural area (Manhattan Park) and a rural natural area (Charles Mears Park)
were selected and ground level ozone samples from both were taken over a period of
eight weeks in order to determine 1) whether or not either park contained dangerous
levels of ground level-ozone and 2) whether more ground level ozone would be found
in the urban area or in the rural area. The results from these samples were then compared
to each other through a Mann-Whitney U test. Temperature and weather information was
also collected at both sites, and correlation tests were conducted in order to determine
if particular weather conditions could also be the reason for higher ground level
ozone levels.
Jared Weimer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jim Rasmussen
Food Waste Analysis of Aquinas Collegeâs Wege Cafeteria
The study was done over eight dinner services at the Aquinas College Wege cafeteria
during the months of February and March in 2019. The point of the project was to quantify
the amount and percentage of food waste produced by students and staff in the cafeteria
in order to better understand where the areas of concern for food waste might be and
what can be improved upon. The total average percent of food wasted over this period
was 29.03%. The total national average of food wasted in the United States for the
consumer and retail sector in 2018, according to the USDA, is approximately 31%. Approximately
35% of the total food waste was from the students and 65% of the total food wasted
was from the kitchen. An average of 31.48% of all the grains recorded, an average
of 23.14% of all the fruits recorded, an average of 29.41% of all the vegetables recorded,
and an average of 32.85% of all the meats recorded were wasted via compost.
Department of History
Morgan Abate
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bethany Kilcrease
The Transformation of U.S. Environmental History
Environmental history has been one of the fastest growing sub-fields of history. Historians
in this field examine how humans have interacted with and adapted to their environments
over time. Environmental history incorporates methodologies from physical sciences,
such as geography and geology. This study focuses on the works of two pioneers in
the field, Donald Worster and William Cronon, and their important contributions to
environmental history. The works of Worster and Cronon show that since the field emerged
in the 1970s, environmental history has transformed to include different perspectives
on nature. Recent works include the viewpoints of different nations, ethnic groups,
and people of different socio-economic status. Scholars continue to incorporate environmental
history into historical narratives of nations and the world.
Emily Jeynes
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bethany Kilcrease
Cholera During Great Britain's First Industrial Revolution
One of the most debilitating disease epidemics of the nineteenth century, cholera,
crippled the nation of Great Britain during their first Industrial Revolution. The
diseaseâs impact on the country was one of vital importance, as it contributed to
advances in medicine, resulted in public outcries for public health reforms, and paved
the way for environmental reforms. The living conditions, fostered by the Industrial
Revolution, made the population susceptible to a massive disease outbreak. This outbreak
caused not only social panic and civil unrest among those living in the disease-ridden
communities, but also among middle class medical professionals. The unrest was promulgated
by a growing distrust of the medical community; a rumor that bodies were being sold
to medical colleges for the purpose of dissection and study. As a result, ill persons
refused to be treated by medical professionals. The lasting impacts of this outbreak
carried Great Britain into the twentieth century. Public health reforms regulated
sanitary drinking water and improved the living conditions of those living in poverty.
The medical community rose from scrutiny to making significant advances in medicine
that would carry Great Britain through the following epidemic of influenza.
Department of Mathematics
Nick Grabill, Kelsey Hall and Emma Schmidt
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael McDaniel
Wallace-Simson and Monsky Theorems in non-Euclidean Geometries
We will prove a Wallace-Simson-type theorem in elliptic geometry and give some counter-examples
to Monskyâs theorem in hyperbolic geometry.
Aimee Judd
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joseph Fox
Combinatorics of Citation Networks
Citation networks are large collections of objects, some of which refer to others.
For example, one might consider a collection of Supreme Court decisions, some of which
cite others as precedents. In this project, we will investigate the combinatorics
of citation networks. Specifically, we will develop methods to count all possible
orderings of the objects in a citation network that preserve the citation structure.
Department of Philosophy
Annie Newton
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Daniel Wagner
Nature, Philosophy, and Latin in St. Thomas Aquinasâ De principiis naturae
The primary goal of this project was twofold. First, the student acquired basic understanding
and habits of Latin forms, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary necessary for producing
philosophical translations of the work of St. Thomas Aquinas. Second, the student
and faculty mentor collaborated to produce a philosophical translation of the opening
chapter of St. Thomas Aquinasâ De principiis naturae, which contributed to the living
tradition of treating the thought of the Angelic Doctor.
Department of Physics
Kenny Nguyen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Xin Du
Dynamics of Polydispersed Emulsion Systems in a T-Shaped Chamber
Emulsions consist of droplets of one liquid mixed into another immiscible liquid.
Our samples are oil-in-water emulsion droplets flowing through a T-shape chamber.
By means of microscopy, we studied the influence of the polydispersity on the dynamics
of emulsion droplets, analyzed the deformation profile of the droplets and compared
the emulsions flow with stratified liquid flow. Our experimental results indicate
that (1) monodispersed sample exhibited more jammed behavior than the polydispersed
samples; (2) particles near the boundary move differently from those in the middle
at the T-junction; (3) The flow of emulsion system exhibit more turbulence comparing
with stratified flow; (4) smaller droplets moved faster and are less affected by cooperative
motion of neighbor droplets.
Department of Psychology
Autumn Ackerson and Melissa Jakupovic
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates and Dr. Daniel Cruikshanks
The Perception of Quality of Life and Experience of Home in Older Adults
The factors involved in older adultâs perception of quality of life (QoL) and experience
of home (EoH) have long been a topic of research for the psychological community.
Although research has been conducted on EoH and QoL in older adults, this has only
been examined in single care settings (assisted living, independent living, hospice,
etc). The present study aimed to examine EoH and QoL as a function of care setting,
social connectivity and other participant variables of interest. We recruited older
adults from two different care settings (assisted living and independent living) and
collected data on EoH, QoL, and participant demographics. Previous research predicted
that there would be a significant difference in QoL and EoH between the two care settings
based on different aspects of social connectivity and environmental management (Bonk,
2016, de Araujo et al., 2016, Murphy & Kazer, 2015). Accordingly, we found significantly
higher scores in QoL and EoH perception in independent living compared to assisted
living. Further, multiple regression analysis revealed independent setting predicted
higher QoL scores, and independent setting and higher education level predicted greater
EoH perception. Social connectivity variables did not have an effect on either QoL
or EoH scores.
Kassidy Boldt, McKenzie Breimayer, Demetris Hernandez, Brittany Klemish and Ivan Plews,
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
The Effects of Social Media and Gender on Anxiety and Depression
Previous research has suggested that social media use between the age range of 18-25
is positively correlated with anxiety and depression (Lin, Sidani, Shensa, Radovic,
Miller, Colditz, & Primack, 2016; Vannucci, Flannery, & Ohannessian, 2017). Further,
when looking at the binary gender system, males report more anxiety and depression
associated with social media use. (Ahmad, Hussain, & Munir, 2018; Baloglu, Kozan,
& Kesici, 2018). The current study examined the effects of social media and gender
on anxiety and depression in the emerging adulthood age group. Participants were recruited
from Facebook and answered an online questionnaire that included questions about about
their social media use, and feelings of anxiety and depression. Based on the previous
literature, we hypothesized that anxiety and depression and social media use would
be more strongly correlated for males but results did not support that hypothesis.
Linear regression analyses showed that the only significant predictor of anxiety and
depression was how often participants procrastinate on homework or other responsibilities
due to social media.
Shelby Dewey, Megan Lipka and Stephanie Zimmerman
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
Women and the Influencing Factors Towards Their Sexual Openness, Positivity, and Self-Esteem
Research examining womenâs sexual positivity, openness, and self-esteem has only advanced
within the last ten to fifteen years. There is still much work to be done within this
area of research. Previous research within this area of study found that women who
report being more religious have lower sexual openness, sexual positivity and lower
self-esteem (Abbott, Harris, and Mollen, 2016). Women from families who are more open
to communicate about sex tend to have higher self-esteem and sexual positivity (Generous,
2016). The current study examined the influence of religious affiliation, political
standing, and sexual orientation on womenâs sexual positivity, openness, and self-esteem.
Participants were recruited through Facebook and the Research website of the Psychology
Department of Aquinas College and completed a survey. The survey consisted of questions
that were taken from MoSIEC, MSSCQ, the Rosenburg Scale - some questions were slightly
altered by the researchers. Although the results did not support the original hypothesis,
we found significant correlations between several variables. There was a positive
correlation between the MoSIEC (sexual identity, exploration, and commitment) and
the MSSCQ (sexual self-concept); a positive correlation between Rosenburg (self-esteem)
and MSSCQ; and a negative correlation between the Rosenburg and age.
Kelly Grant, Ayaka Matsuda and Melissa Zeffero
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
The Relationship Between Need to Belong and Ability to Detect Fake Smiles
Need to Belong is a fundamental human motivation to be accepted as a part of social
groups (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Previous research has shown that people are better
at detecting emotions if they are in socially positive conditions (Bossi et al., 2018;
Cheung et al., 2015; Reysen, 2006; Schneider et al., 2013). The current research examined
a potential relationship between a personâs Need to Belong and ability to detect fake
smiles. Based on previous research, we predicted a positive correlation between Need
to Belong scores and accuracy of detecting fake smiles. Participants completed an
online survey on a series of questions from the Need to Belong assessment (Leary,
2013), and saw 20 facial images to determine if they were genuine or fake smiles.
The results did not offer support for the hypothesis and were in the opposite direction;
there was a negative correlation between Need to Belong and the ability to detect
fake smiles, thereby providing evidence against previous research. Additional analysis
revealed a significant difference between males and females in the Need to Belong
score, with female participants scoring higher than male counterparts, which did not
fully correspond with previous literature (Neel et al., 2016).
Eunice Eyamba , Marlin Raymond and Zachary Snyder
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
Perceived Stress in College Athletes, Those who Exercise, and Sedentary Individuals
Little research has been conducted examining intermediate levels of exercise versus
the rigors of athlete training. Research comparing athletes versus those exercising
sparingly has shown conflicting results (Kimball & Freysinger, 2003, Storch et al.,
2005, Chiu et al., 2016, Yusko et al., 2008). We explored social support, perceived
stress, and overall life satisfaction in regards to level of athletic participation.
Two hundred and fifteen college-aged participants, ages 18-25, took a forty question
Likert scale survey with various questions evaluating their overall perceived stress,
social support, life satisfaction, and physical activity commitment. We hypothesized
that the participants involved in collegiate athletics would report lower levels of
stress compared to those who are not on an athletic team but still exercise and those
who are sedentary. A two-way MANOVA showed a main effect of athletic involvement (but
not gender), specifically, collegiate athletes scored higher on social support than
sedentary individuals but not those who just exercise. Additionally, collegiate athletes
scored higher on overall life satisfaction than both sedentary individuals and those
who just exercise. There were no statistically significant differences regarding perceived

Alyssa Peck, Sarah Richards and Emma Urbannski
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce Oates
An Investigation into the Life Views and Perceived Stress Levels of Emerging Adults
The developmental period that occurs between the ages of 18 and 25 has been referred
to as âemerging adulthoodâ and these years represent a time of transition marked by
a myriad of changes (Arnett, 2000). Previously, it has been reported that there was
a significant difference in the subscale of âSelf-Focusedâ in the Inventory of Emerging
Adulthood (IDEA) subscale scores; females scored higher than males (Reifman, Arnett
and Colwell, 2007). However, it is not known how predictive IDEA subscales might be
of perceived life stress in emerging adults in general. Therefore, we explored which
IDEA subscales scores might be predictors of perceived life stress and also analyzed
scores as a function of gender. Unlike Reifman et al., the results showed a difference
in gender for the âFeeling In-Betweenâ subscale; females scored higher than males.
A multivariate regression model revealed that the âNegativity/Instabilityâ and âSelf-Focusedâ
subscales were significant predictors of perceived stress in emerging adults. Regardless
of gender, the model predicted that emerging adults who score higher on âNegativity/Instabilityâ
and lower on âSelf-Focusedâ subscales are more likely to have greater perceived life
Fiona Theodoroff, Abigail Tolrud and Lauren Washburn
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joyce M. Oates
Time Spent on Collegiate Extracurricular Actives as a Function of Gender
Previous studies have observed collegiate academic success and extracurricular activities;
specifically, their relationship with one another. Baker (2008) discovered that the
category of âstudent organizationsâ affected academic performance (depending on the
organizations type, student race and gender) and Brint & Cantwell (2010) discovered
that the category of âserviceâ improved academic success. The current study expands
on this literature by adding other types of extracurriculars and exavulating the time
spent on specific activities. Furthermore, we examined the amount of time spent on
extracurriculars as a function of gender (male, female). Participants were full-time,
undergraduate college students in North America, ages 18 to 25, recruited through
Facebook and email, who completed an online survey. Participants answered questions
about collegiate academic success, extracurricular activities, and demographics (ethnicity
and gender). Results showed that there were no correlations between academic success
and collegiate extracurriculars. A one-way MANOVA indicated that males spent more
hours per week on âcollegiate sportsâ and âinternships not for class creditâ than
females. No other additional differences in collegiate extracurriculars emerged. Keywords:
extracurricular activities, gender, emerging adulthood, undergraduate college student.
Department of Sociology
Francesca Prina
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
Paths to Permanency: Experiences of Immigration in the United States
Due to recent changes in policy and the constant flux of individuals coming into the
United States, immigration is a relevant issue now more than ever. Yet, although undocumented
immigration has been explored in length, the process of legal immigration is still
understudied. Given the lack in literature, this research aims to explore the experience
of non-citizens during the process of gaining the status of permanent residence and
naturalization in the United States.
Nicole Roberts
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susan Haworth-Hoeppner
Living the DREAM?: A Sociological Analysis of the Experiences of DACA Recipients
This research focuses on the lives of DREAMers (DACA recipients) -- their individual
experiences, their feelings about the DACA program, and their concerns for the program's
future. DACA, which stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is an immigration
policy which allows children who were brought to the United States before age 16 to
work, obtain a driver's license, and go to school in the U.S. Recipients discussed
their viewpoints on immigration reform, advocacy for the DREAM Act, the fear of deportation,
biculturalism, and the meaning of citizenship through in-depth interviews. The goal
of this research project is to gain a better understanding of who receives DACA benefits
and why, to ensure that activism, resources, assistance programs, and policy changes
are tailored to the exact needs of recipients. This valuable information sheds light
on how immigrants in the United States are not considered equally as Americans, or
even humans; are DREAMers really living the dream?
Department of Theology
Mai Do and Kayla Nguyen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robert Marko
Spirituality and Justice: The Life and Witness of Francis-Xavier Nguyá»
n VÄn Thuáșn
This research project examined the life and writing of Nguyá»
n VÄn Thuáșn. A subtext,
implication or associated theme was the persecution and discrimination by the Communist
government in Vietnam. We thus asked three questions. First, how can one maintain
fidelity to the gospel in a culture that is hostile to religion? Secondly, focusing
on his writings that speak of his experience of 13 years of imprisonment, how did
n VÄn Thuáșn's spirituality contribute to not embittering him to hate his persecutors?
Third, somewhat tangentially does Catholic social teaching provide an alternative
vision for Vietnam to classical liberalism with its radical individualism and atheistic
Communism? The last question is significant as Nguyá»
n VÄn Thuáșn has been used as a
âposter childâ of Cold War anti-communism and consequentially support of free markets
given his publishing of The Social Agenda which preceded the more authoritative Compendium
of the Social Document of the Church.
Department of World Languages
Lilia Thomas
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Katharina HĂ€usler-Gross
Itâs A Multicultural World: Cross-Cultural Business Observation Between Germany and
the USA
By analyzing the different communication and behavioral styles that Germans and Americans
use in professional environments, I seek to demonstrate that the knowledge and correct
application of both these functions are essential for creating successful business
relationships between people of both countries. Designed as an interdisciplinary project
that connects three academic disciplines - German Studies, International Business,
and Communication Studies - this research explored scholarly publications focused
on intercultural business relationships, selected case studies, and personal experiences
gathered during an experiential learning semester to seek answers to the following
question: What specific skills do individuals need to develop in order to demonstrate
their effective intercultural competence in an international work or business environment?
Acquiring Intercultural Competence (IC) is a life long learning process that students
develop through their education and exposure to other cultures. Because of the rapid
expansion and internationalization of many businesses and companies, it is crucial
for students to develop the skills and knowledge that will allow them to be successful
in a global economy.
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