Tully Cross Cottages with thatched roofs in a long line at sunrise

Celebrating 50 Years in Tully Cross: Writing and Visual Art from Ireland Study Abroad Program

December 18, 2023

For fifty years, Aquinas students and faculty have traveled a small Irish village called Tully Cross. Students, faculty and alumni took on the task of combining a selection of works written and created there into the book Where We Left Our Last Few Words: 50 Years in Tully Cross.

President Cordoba cuts ribbon with staff of Aquinas and JA in front of Aquinas Storefront at JA Finance Park

Aquinas College Storefront Unveiled at Karl and Susan Hascall Junior Achievement Finance Park® Ribbon Cutting

December 13, 2023

As the sole college represented in the JA Finance Park®, the Aquinas College Storefront will host thousands of 8th-12th grade students as they bolster their financial literacy skills.

Students and refugee teens pose together at fall celebration

Aquinas Students and Refugee Teens Build Community Through Treetops Collective

December 13, 2023

This semester, Aquinas students in Dr. Satya Lendrum’s Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies course were paired with teenagers in Kent County who had previously been displaced from their home country.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Aquinas College

Merry Christmas from Aquinas College - 2023

December 12, 2023

Aquinas College President Alicia Córdoba and First Gentleman George Blanchet would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season. Please know how grateful and honored we are to be part of the Aquinas College family.

Several students stand with piles of garbage bags full of donations for Mel Trotter and a Mel Trotter Truck

Aquinas Students Gather Truckloads of Donations for Mel Trotter Ministries

December 8, 2023

For the past three years, Aquinas Professor Mark O’Toole has assigned a special project to his fall classes. As they learn about the fundamentals of business, they also put those lessons into practice for a good cause: gathering donations for Mel Trotter Ministries, a nonprofit organization at the...