The Certificate Program is an interdisciplinary program consisting of 3 courses. The CAST training focuses on supporting those working on the front lines with children and families by providing information needed to better recognize and respond to signs of child abuse and neglect and the systems and resources available in the community to help these families.  The CAST certificate is appropriate for any individual who desires to be more prepared to work effectively with children and families and within the systems and agencies that respond to child maltreatment (i.e., mental health professionals, social service workers, teachers, police officers). Students from a variety of major programs are eligible to complete the certificate program.  


Required Courses

SOC 220 Criminology 4 credits
PSY 320 Family Violence** 4 credits
PSY 405 Marriage, Family & Couples Counseling* 4 credits

*Prerequisite PSY 100
**Prerequisite PSY 210