Meet the Team!
Name Title Department Phone
Penny Avery Professor, Chair Communication (616) 632-2060
Ian Borton Professor Communication (616) 632-2121
Kimberly Brems Adjunct Associate Professor Communication
Amy Hasapis Adjunct Associate Professor Communication
Kyle Hull Assistant Professor Communication (616) 632-2063
Mejla Mujanovic Adjunct Communication
Jennifer Sorek Adjunct Associate Professor Communication
Philip Tower Adjunct Professor Communication
David Weinandy Professor Communication 616-632-2058

Department Chair of Communication and Theatre
Professor of Communication
Email: averypen@aquinas.edu
Phone: (616) 632-2060
Office: AB 4C

Professor of Communication
Email: imb001@aquinas.edu
Phone: (616) 632-2121
Office: AB 4A

Adjunct Professor of Communication
Email: kmb005@aquinas.edu

Associate Professor of Communication
Phone: (616) 632-2063
Office: AB 2A
Jennifer Sorek

Adjunct Professor of Communication
Email: jds007@aquinas.edu


Adjunct Professor of Communications
Email: towerphi@aquinas.edu

Professor of Communication
Email: weinadav@aquinas.edu
Phone: 616-632-2058
Office: AB 4B