Some students may qualify for note-taking accommodations such as audio recording lectures, using note-taking technology or receiving note-taker services. If a student is eligible for note-taking related accommodations and would like to utilize them in your class, they should contact you to provide their Letter of Accommodation (LoA) and discuss this accommodation. If a student is using the college issued software as a note-taking accommodation, they will provide you with a signed letter agreement for use of this technology in your classroom. A few students may require note-taker services in the form of receiving class notes. This accommodation requires collaboration with the student, accessibility services, and a peer note-taker when appropriate. Professors are asked to seek another student in their class, while maintaining the confidentiality of all parties (note-taker & the recipient). Accessibility Services has a process in place to securely and confidentially receive and provide notes, and will coordinate the necessary steps with Human Resources for the peer note-taker. If a student with a LoA requests this in our class, please contact the office of accessibility services as soon as possible for guidance and next steps.


Accessibility Services
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday (during fall and spring semesters) in Lower Wege Office 103

(616) 632-2177

For questions or concerns about website accessibility, please contact marketing@aquinas.edu.