By: Sarah Parlette ‘12
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[Editor's note: This is part 11 of 11 in a series of Aquinas College student profiles being published on the Aquinas website throughout the spring 2012 semester.]
"I met my best friend here, my girlfriend, and just really formed a good base group
of friends and getting to know the faculty and staff and the wonderful people that
work here," said senior Nate McCorry recalling his success and experiences at Aquinas.
A dual major in accounting and finance, McCorry said that Aquinas has been a place
that he has always enjoyed. With an older sister who is an alumnus and a younger sister
who also attends Aquinas, the community is a family affair for McCorry. With another
year to go before graduation he looks to the future with an open mind.
"What you see is what you get. I think he is genuine," said Assistant Professor of
Accounting Anthony Burdick said, calling McCorry, "a well-rounded individual" and
"exemplary," someone who possess a quiet strength.
Originally interested in the biology department, McCorry found that it wasn’t the
right fit, finding his place within the accounting department instead. "I did biology
'cause that’s what people told me to do, I was good at it. But when I started taking
the classes I realized that I didn’t really like it." Focusing his studies on “tax,”
McCorry would like to like to work in tax accounting or private accounting. Creating
a bond with his future cliental while working one-on-one is something he looks forwards
to as an accountant.
His time at Aquinas has certainly been a positive one. From the small atmosphere and
community building to the camaraderie, McCorry said that finding his niche was fairly
easy. A player for the lacrosse team, and currently recovering from tendonitis, he
is determined to play during the spring 2012 season one way or another. "I'm not a
real outgoing person so through lacrosse I get to meet some people," he said explaining
how his group of friends has continued to grow each year. He said that his fondest
memories are ones that he has made with his friends and team, such as waiting for
the snow to melt off of the outdoor athletic field in order to practice.
With most of his friends on the team McCorry said that through people you can meet
new circles of friends and through them gain even more friends until everyone is connected
Balancing lacrosse and academics hasn’t been a challenge like many would assume. "I
can’t fail so I just have to make it work," he said. He remembers having to prioritize
and learn to push certain things aside in order to succeed after switching his major
which will keep him at Aquinas for an extra year.
"Make sure it’s the right fit for you," said McCorry, giving advice to incoming students
or students contemplating their majors. "Don’t be doing something because you're told
to do that or it’s what’s expected, like what people expect of you. You have to do
what you feel is right, you have to pick something you enjoy - there are going to
be tough times, times you enjoy, but you have to get through them."