Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross came to the U.S. as a and joined Aquinas College in 1998. Prior teaching appointments include , PA (German/Russian), , the /Germany and the .
At Aquinas, Dr. Häusler-Gross is Head of the German Studies Program and teaches all
levels from beginning language to advanced content courses, German Literature, German
Culture and Civilization, German for Business and Professions, Studies of German Culture
and Society through Film, German Translation and the German Capstone course, as well
an interdisciplinary course on European Cultures and Identities. She also coordinates
the Methodology courses for Teaching Foreign Languages in K-8 and Secondary Schools for prospective FL teachers. Her scholarly research is in the area of German and
Cultural Studies, specifically the integration of STEM in German coursework, and (East)
German film studies with a focus on identity formation in post-Wende Germany.
As an active member and trainer of the that is sponsored by the Goethe Institut, Dr. Häusler-Gross shares her methodological
expertise and offers workshops and seminars for K-16 colleagues in order to support
as many German teachers as possible. Additionally, she serves as Curriculum Consultant
at the , a local non-profit organization that promotes the teaching of and learning about
German language and culture to bilingual children. Dr. Häusler-Gross is also actively
collaborating with , which celebrates cultural diversity and multiculturalism by showcasing and discussing
international films from around the globe. Her love for other languages and cultures
keeps her traveling extensively throughout Eastern and Western Europe, and the United