Dr. Gretchen Rumohr is an Associate Provost and the Director of the Center for Teaching
Excellence at Aquinas College. After her graduation from Hope College in 1996, she
worked in the publishing industry (Worth and McGraw-Hill) before seeking her teaching
certificate. She taught high school English in Wyoming, Michigan, from 1999-2003,
working primarily with at-risk students. Her focus on at-risk writers continued throughout
her doctoral studies at Western Michigan University, where she taught methods courses
and coordinated the Basic Writing program. Since 2008, Dr. Rumohr has served as a
professor and administrator at Aquinas College, where she teaches first-year composition
as well as English education courses. She is an active participant in the ELATE Commission
on the Teaching of Adolescent Literature as well as the Assembly on Literature for
Adolescents (ALAN), and presents regularly at the National Council of Teachers of
English annual conference. In addition, she has published articles in Voices from the Middle, Middle Grades Review, and Language Arts Journal of Michigan, written chapters for several edited collections such as Adolescent Literature as a Complement to the Content Areas: Social Science and Humanities, and published poetry in Paterson Literary Review. She serves as chief curator of the and is a co-organizer of the . Her most recent efforts involve the topic of gun violence and have resulted in a
co-edited collection titled Contending with . Dr. Rumohr lives in Zeeland, Michigan and is proud of her four daughters as well
as her sweet little Yorkshire Terrier.